

Updated on February 2nd 2024, 01:00:22


What is Cockatoo

Cockatoo is an AI-powered transcription service that converts audio or video files into text or subtitles in seconds. It offers superhuman speech to text accuracy and supports transcription in over 90 languages.

AI Advertising AssistantAI Speech RecognitionTranscriptionSpeech-to-TextTranscriberAI Product Description GeneratorFreemium

How to use Cockatoo

To use Cockatoo, simply upload your audio or video file to the platform. Cockatoo will transcribe the file in seconds using advanced AI algorithms. You can then export the transcript in popular formats such as pdf, docx, txt, or srt. The process is simple, fast, and hassle-free.

Talk with Cockatoo 's Use Cases

Documentary video producers transcribing interviews
Individuals with disabilities who need assistance in transcribing their thoughts
Business professionals transcribing meetings or calls
Content creators transcribing podcasts or videos
Legal professionals transcribing depositions
Researchers transcribing interviews or focus groups

Cockatoo 's Tags

transcriptionaudio to textvideo to textspeech to textlanguage supportAI technologyautomated transcriptionsuperhuman accuracyfast transcriptionunlimited transcriptsprivacy protectionsimple UIfile exportdata security