Updated on February 1st 2024, 11:34:21
What is Samplette
Samplette is a website for finding and generating random music samples. It offers a variety of tools for discovering new music, including a random song generator and a rhythm roulette. The website also provides information on how to clear and use music samples legally. Users can filter their searches by genre, BPM, key, and other criteria.
How to use Samplette
To use Samplette, simply visit the website and explore the various tools available. You can use the random song generator to discover new music or the rhythm roulette to generate music samples for production. The website also allows you to filter your searches by genre, BPM, key, and other criteria to find the perfect music samples for your needs.
Talk with Samplette 's Use Cases
Discover new music
Generate music samples for production
Learn about legal use of music samples
Samplette 's Tags
music sample generatorrandom song findermusic sample search engine